Drinking water supply schemes of Rs. 164.03 Crore were approved under Jal Jeevan Mission by Uttarakhand in the State-level scheme sanctioning committee (SLSSC) meeting held on 23rd December, 2021. Of the eight water supply schemes sanctioned, all are multi-village schemes. It will provide tap water connection to more than 9,200 rural homes.
On 15th August 2019, at the time of launch of Jal Jeevan Mission, only 1.30 lakh (8.58%) rural homes had tap water supply. In 28 months, despite Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown disruptions, the State has provided tap water connection to 6.22 lakh (41.02%) households. Thus, as on date, out of 15.18 lakh rural household in the State, 7.53 lakh (49.60%) are getting tap water supply in their homes. In 2021-22, the State plans to provide tap water connections to 2.64 lakh household. Uttarakhand Government is aiming to provide clean tap water supply to all rural homes by December, 2022.
Under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), there is provision for constitution of State Level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC) for consideration and approval of schemes to be taken up for making provision of tap water supply to rural households. The SLSSC acts as a State level Committee to consider water supply schemes/ projects, and a nominee of the National Jal Jeevan Mission (NJJM), Government of India is a member of the committee.
To translate Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s vision of ensuring clean tap water in every household and freeing women and girls from drudgery of fetching water from a distance, the Mission, has released Rs. 360.95 Crore grant–in–aid to Uttarakhand during 2021-22. This year, the Union Minister, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat allocated Rs. 1,443.80 Crore which is four-fold increase from last year’s allocation. Union Minister, Jal Shakti, while approving the four-fold increase assured full assistance to the State for making provision of tap water supply in every rural home by December, 2022.
In the meeting NJJM team emphasized the need for effective community contribution and advised the State to include the provision of greywater management through convergence in the water supply schemes as it’s a very important component of Jal Jeevan Mission.
To ensure safe tap water to children in schools, ashramshalas and anganwadi centres in the country, Prime Minister announced 100-days campaign, which was launched by the Union Minister on 2nd October 2020. Tap water provided in learning centres is used by children and teachers for drinking, cooking mid-day meal, hand washing and in toilets. All schools and anganwadi centres in Uttarakhand have been provided tap water supply in their premises.