The 31stedition
of India-Thailand Coordinated Patrol (Indo-Thai CORPAT) between the
Indian Navy and the Royal Thai Navy is being conducted from 09 – 11 June
2021. Indian Naval Ship (INS) Saryu, an indigenously built Naval Offshore Patrol Vessel and His Majesty’s Thailand Ship (HTMS) Krabi, an Offshore Patrol Vessel, along with Dornier Maritime Patrol Aircraft from both navies are participating in the CORPAT.
reinforcing maritime links between the two countries and with an aim of
keeping this vital part of the Indian Ocean safe and secure for
international trade, the two navies have been
undertaking CORPAT bi-annually along their International Maritime Boundary
Line (IMBL) since 2005. CORPAT builds up understanding and
interoperability between navies and facilitates institution of measures
to prevent and suppress unlawful activities like Illegal Unreported
Unregulated (IUU) fishing, drug trafficking, maritime terrorism, armed
robbery and piracy. It further helps enhance the operational synergy by
exchange of information for prevention of smuggling, illegal immigration
and for conduct of SAR operations at sea.
As part of Government of India’s vision of SAGAR (Security And Growth for All in the Region),
the Indian Navy has been proactively engaging with the countries in the
Indian Ocean Region towards enhancing regional maritime security. This
has been through bilateral and multilateral exercises, Coordinated
Patrols, Joint EEZ Surveillance, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster
Relief (HADR) operations.The Indian Navy and Royal Thai Navy have
especially enjoyed a close and friendly relationship covering a wide
spectrum of activities and interactions, which have strengthened over
the years.
The 31stIndo-Thai
CORPAT will contribute towards Indian Navy’s efforts to consolidate
inter-operability and forge strong bonds of friendship with Royal Thai