Eversince New Delhi cinemas shut down and Jersey was postponed rumors were rife that RRR, the big-ticket extravaganza of Baahubali director, S.S. Rajamouli will be postponed. However, at a pre-release event in Kerala, the maestro put all rumors to end saying RR is definitely releasing on January 7, 2022. All the fans are already rejoicing the news!
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Press Release l S.S. Rajamouli confirms RRR is on schedule
Eversince New Delhi cinemas shut down and Jersey was postponed rumors were rife that RRR, the big-ticket extravaganza of Baahubali director, S.S. Rajamouli will be postponed. However, at a pre-release event in Kerala, the maestro put all rumors to end saying RR is definitely releasing on January 7, 2022. All the fans are already rejoicing the news!