Written by: Swati
Anil Sharma is back with his new film Veer starring Salman Khan.
What are the prospects of Veer?
The writer spoke to a few prominent distributors of Delhi-UP. Mr. Sakshi is of the opinion that Veer will take a terrific initial in UP; the multiplexes might be average; but the interiors will be excellent - may be historic.
Rakesh Jain of JRD entertainment seconds the opinion. He said "after 3 Idiots the first 3 weeks saw as many as 9 hindi films biting the dust including Yashraj's Pyar Impossible and Shahid Kapoor's Chance Pe Dance; so it is imperative that Veer breaks the lull at the box-office."
Here's hoping that atleast for film Industry's sake, Veer does a roaring business.