Sonam Kapoor, who, after Aishwarya Rai has been the most prominent Indian face on the Cannes Red Carpet will soon be seen in her new film Raanjhanaa that opens on June 21. While the promo has been well received and the film might prove to be that elusive hit for Sonam, the interesting part is the camaraderie she's struck with her co-star Dhanush
of Kolaveri Di fame.
Dhanush, who makes his Bollywood debut in Eros International’s RAANJHANAA
found shooting for the film extremely challenging, because he had to get
a grip of Hindi, which until the film happened was completely alien to
Dhanush, however, credits his co-star Sonam Kapoor for the smooth transition, as he took his initial steps into Bollywood. Reportedly, Dhanush has been claiming in his interviews that he is closest to Sonam in the industry. Reports quoted him, "Sonam went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and helped me with my Hindi on the sets. She is very straightforward and will tell it as it is, which is something I admire.”
Let's hope Raanjhanaa can give the Hindi film industry a successful pairing in Sonam and Dhanush.
Dhanush, however, credits his co-star Sonam Kapoor for the smooth transition, as he took his initial steps into Bollywood. Reportedly, Dhanush has been claiming in his interviews that he is closest to Sonam in the industry. Reports quoted him, "Sonam went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and helped me with my Hindi on the sets. She is very straightforward and will tell it as it is, which is something I admire.”
Let's hope Raanjhanaa can give the Hindi film industry a successful pairing in Sonam and Dhanush.