Marwah enthralled a captive audience as he spoke with his characteristic smile, while releasing a book "RAJESH KHANNA" by Yaseer Usman at an event during the recently concluded, Delhi International Film Festival at NDMC Convention
Centre, New Delhi.
Highlighting the achievements of India's 1st superstar, Marwah said “Indian
Cinema has not seen bigger superstar than Rajesh Khanna. His phenomenal
following will keep him alive for centuries together”.
Ashok Tyagi Secretary General of ICMEI and the director of the last feature film
of Rajesh Khanna, RIYASAT, said in a rather emotional tone, “The
book has covered all the pluses and the minuses of Rajesh Khanna.”
have researched a lot before writing the book, the works of Rajesh
Khanna are more than just one book. I have tried to give my best in the book
interestingly” said the writer, Yaseen Usman.