herbs described in e-book can be used in conditions leading to fever,
cough, cold, weakness, pain etc. The botanical names, vernacular names,
chemical constituents, therapeutic values, pharmacological principles
and important formulations are also recorded in this e-book. This will
provide awareness and knowledge to the public on the importance and
diversity of medicinal plants that are useful in the prevention &
management of Covid-19 along with standard of care.
While releasing the book Shri Kiren Rijiju encouraged
National Medicinal Plants Board to promote the cultivation and
conservation of medicinal plants throughout the country. Secretary AYUSH
Vaidya Shri Rajesh Kotecha
appreciated the efforts of NMPB for cultivation, conservation and
marketing of medicinal plants throughout the country. Dr. J.L.N.
Sastry, CEO, NMPB emphasized to create the awareness among local masses
for better understanding about the usage of herbal medicines.