Status of projects under NESIDS - a report

The selection of projects under North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme (NESIDS) for sanction and funding is based on prioritization duly done by the respective State Government. On receipt thereafter at the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, these are considered for sanction under NESIDS, based on recommendation of the Inter Ministerial Committee (IMC). Consequently funds get released for the projects selected/sanctioned as per the extant guidelines and requisite formalities, inter alia utilization of previous installment etc.
After its coming into existence since 15.12.2017, the sanction of project under NESIDS started in financial year 2018-19. Since then 112 projects worth Rs.2589.14 crore have been sanctioned in the North Eastern States under NESIDS as on 21.03.2022, which are at various stages of Implementation. The year-wise and project wise details of funds released under NESIDS is at Annexure.

The Utilization Certificates in respect of funds released by the Ministry under NESIDS are required to be submitted by the State Governments concerned within twelve months of the closure of the financial year in which the funds are released. Funds amounting to Rs.1514.48 crore have been released under NESIDS by 21.03.2022. Against this, utilisation certificate of Rs.657.26 crore would be due by 31.03.2022, out of which utilisation certificates of Rs.588.54 crore (89.54%) have been received by 21.03.2022 from the State Governments concerned.