Captured in 60mins!
~Short Film Center 2011~
Panjim, Goa (1st November 2011) – the Short Film Center 2011,
“A Pestering Journey” and SAVE EARTH are two of the four films competing for the Vasudha Awards during the International Film Festival of India 2011.
“A Pestering Journey” directed by K R MANOJ is a 52min documentary that breezes through the cotton fields, villages in Punjab to the cashew plantations in Kerala. It won accolades for Best Investigative Film, Best Audiography at the 58th National Film Awards (India), Best Long Documentary, Best Cinematography – IDSFFK 2011 (Trivandrum) and IDPA Award 2010.
A voyage through two pesticide tragedies in post Independent India, A Pestering Journey is an attempt to interrogate the legitimate forms and technologies of killing available in a culture. Taking a pestering turn, the journey blurs the boundaries of nature and culture, of self and other, of life and death and many other comfortable binaries we inhabit. It tries to ask how much regard for life a culture should have to ponder over the question, what a pest is.
Pestering Journey unravels the many interwoven layers of culture and agriculture and foregrounds the logic of green revolution. In an atypical move it challenges and changes the idioms of pesticide and genocide and reveals the claims over knowledge and expertise which pushes a pesticide like Endosulfan to a dubious position between poison and medicine.
“SAVE EARTH” is a 1 min 40 sec film; directed by Prakash Mishra and endeavors to capture environmental issues “how the pollution is growing from different things and due to this the climate changes”.