Hollywood is abuzz with rumors that the much touted sequel to the Superman movie, 'Man of Steel' is titled 'Batman vs. Superman'!
Reports suggest, Warner Bros. is making a sequel to 'Man of Steel', and it will feature both Henry Cavill’s Superman AND another presumably-topline actor playing Batman.
The Batman and Superman buzz started when reportedly, at a Comic-Con panel celebrating Superman’s 75th anniversary, the screenwriter David S. Goyer said there were only two options for the title and the team wasn't sure whether to title the film Superman vs. Batman or Batman vs. Superman.
Reportedly, the title has some roots in Superman movie lore; way back in 2003, the studio was very close to make Batman vs. Superman, however, the studio finally rebooted the franchises separately; with Christopher Nolan’s, Batman Begins, being the first.
At the moment , Warner Bros. wouldn’t comment on the film’s title, though! Watch out this space for more news on the film.