#BNHAF One-on-One Awardee Editions And Talennt Ka Maha Utsav Iconic Achievers' Award l Deepak Sharma

By: Aanya

Talennt Ka Maha Utsav, after creating a strong buzz with it’s Pre-Season, launched Season 1 with style by foraying into industrial films and personality profiles to scale-up and enhance the perception of people and brands.

The first personality profile #TKMU created is that of Deepak Sharma. Trustee Udayan Care, Deepak Sharma also won #BNHAF Iconic Achievers Award under #BNHAF One-on-one Awardee Edition. The profile titled 'Wings To Fly' - adapted from the book of the same name, written by Deepak Sharma, was screened during IFFI 2024 and MSPA Awards and Festival 2024 to huge appreciation.

Deepak said "I am proud that my association with Udayan Care has been fruitful, as Udayan Care has touched the life of 50,000 youths. My aim now at Udayan Care is to shape up the life of 5 Lacs youths, as also mentioned in the film".

Hi wife, Sunita Sharma, also a volunteer with Udayan Care, lauded her husband's efforts, "Working with Udayan Care, we specially worked for girls from economically weaker section of society. This initiative helped each one of them, to turn their life into a happy one".

Deepak is very excited about the applause the film has garnered, "the film will help me reach out to people, whom I couldn’t have otherwise. I hope my work at Udayan Care inspires more volunteers and makes people more socially responsible”.

Amit kumaR Agarwal, founder Bhaarat Bol said, "Talennt Ka Maha Utsav strongly supports various causes and believes that art and entertainment can be constructively used to better the society. #TKMU instituted an award with #BNHAF Awards and Festival to celebrate achievers’ from all walks of life that have contributed to the society. We are proud to bestow on Deepak Sharma, #BNHAF Iconic Achievers’ Award".

Deepak thanked the board of Talennt Ka Maha Utsav and #BNHAF Awards and Festival for the honor, "I hope that #TKMU #BNHAF Iconic Achievers’ Award will help me connect many new people with Udayan Care to bring a positive change and happiness into many more lives".