IFFI 2022 l Film Bazaar Film Showcase - Jiya

By: Amit KumaR Agarwal
Film-maker, Sarmistha Chakravorty, ready with her new film Jiya was all appreciative about the way Film Bazaar team helped her with the submission of her film. Talking about Jiya, she said that her film is about a single mother and her journey in life bringing in varied human-emotions.
Film Synopsis: Jiya
Jiya is separated from her abusive husband, She lives alone with her daughter Nupur. The social stigma of being a single mother leaves her very broken inside but she maintains a tough exterior. Her main support system is her childhood friend, Pallavi. 
Jiya leaves her current job unable to deal with a lecherous boss, but luckily finds employment in Pallavi’s office. Here she meets the handsome and chivalrous Abhi who happens to be a co-worker. With Pallavi’s encouragement a relationship develops between them. However, Abhi has a major worry about himself.
Will they be able to overcome their own obstacles and demons, and find happiness once again?